be happy 


Other Rules


The start of every end begins with movement of the white.

For beginners the white (or jack) is placed 10cm to 15cm over the 45cm line, and equidistant from the side edges of the board. If you have Flash Player installed click this link.

For experienced players, the one who is to play first, flicks the white so that the whole of it goes over the 45cm line. When the white comes to rest it is moved sideways until it is equidistant from the side edges of the board. If you have Flash Player installed click this link.

Players take it in turns to start an end. Whoever starts an end flicks the white and then his first penny.

Players flick their pennies from behind the 5cm line. First one player flicks one penny, and then his opponent flicks one penny.

This is repeated until either all the pennies have been flicked or the white has been knocked off the board.

If the white is knocked off the board as a result of a penny flick then the person responsible loses the end and his oppponent is awarded one point.

If the white remains on the board then the player with the nearest penny or pennies to the white wins the end. If he had one penny nearest he gains one point. If he had two pennies nearest then he gains two points and so on. An agreed number of ends is played. The player with the most points wins.

If a player starts an end by flicking the white but the white either does not completely go over the whole of the 45cm line or else goes off the board then his opponent is awarded one point and the player restarts the end with no increase in the end number. (If it was end number 6 then it stays end number 6)

Photograph above:
Blue wins the end. He has' two in' and so gains two points.

Other Rules

If you flick one of your own pennies off the board then it has to stay off until the end has been completed. If as a result of your flick one of your opponent's pennies comes off the board then he can remove any one of your pennies.

Both pennies stay off the board until the end is completed.

For rules about flicking see Penny Black.

The board must NOT be turned or knocked.