be happy 
So much fun - so little space needed


The Serve
Normal Play
Winning Points
Change of Server - Scoring - Changing Ends
What Happens When The Ball Comes To Rest On The Chimney?


Strike the ball so that it goes under the smoke and either rolls or bounces off the roof on your opponent's side of the chimney.

You must stand on your own side of the chimney.

You must strike the ball cleanly: no 'carrying' or double hitting is allowed.

The Serve

Throw or drop the ball so that all of it rolls off the edge of the roof on the sidewall side of the serving mark as shown right and strike the ball.

The ball must travel roof-side of the chimney and not touch anything other than the roof before rolling or bouncing over the edge of the roof on your opponent's side of the chimney.

Normal Play

You can strike the ball only after it has rolled or bounced over the edge of the roof.

You must strike the ball so that it rolls or bounces on the roof and leaves the court on your opponent's side of the chimney.

The ball may hit any or all of the walls, the chimney and the smoke.

The ball may be sent either side of the chimney - roof side or open side.

Winning Points

Only the server can win a point.

This happens when his opponent either fails to return the ball in accordance with the rules of the game, or else strikes his bat against any part of the court.

Change of Server - Scoring - Changing Ends

A change of server occurs every time the server fails to win the point being played for or else strikes any part of the court with his bat

First to win 10 points wins a game.

First to win an agreed number of games wins the match

Players change ends of the court after every five points, and also at the start of every new game.

What Happens When The Ball Comes To Rest On The Chimney?

When the ball comes to rest on the chimney the point must be replayed.

"I'll tell you what. It's as intense as any computer game I've ever played. And it is so-oo quick. I get so wrapped up in it I always forget to change ends."

"Every new player hits his bat against the court. It's so annoying. 'Don't move your bat forward,' I tell 'em. 'Sideways and up,' I say. They soon get the hang of it. Then I start spinning the ball and whip 'em 10 nil. Bit cruel, really."